Elevating awareness and participation in Breast screening through a powerful video campaign for the Department of Health & Aged Care and BreastScreen Australia.
BreastScreen Australia is a joint initiative of the Australian and state and territory governments. It aims to reduce illness and death from breast cancer by detecting the disease early. Screening mammograms are used to find breast cancers early, before they can be seen or felt. The earlier breast cancer is found, the better the chances of surviving it.
Our goal was to create a set of videos that would help increase participation for women over the age of 50 to book in for a free breast screening, because early detection can both save lives and reduce the severity of treatment. Our concept included a mix of interviews with women who have had a breast screen, and are advocates for the program. We utilised both live action cinematography, and 2D animation to create a series of charming and visually mesmerising video pieces that will increase participation for women book in for a breast screening.